64: Go-To-Market For Yourself: Getting Your Next Product Management Job (Updated!)

64: (Updated) Go-To-Market For Yourself: Getting Your Next Product Management Job

Your storytelling power is not only a differentiator, it’s a risk reducer

In this episode I’m talking about this challenge – roughly and simplistically let’s call it “getting your next product manager job” – from a few different angles.

Your stories of what you actually did – although still somewhat subject to wariness on the part of the hiring manager – are their best way for a hiring manager to assess what you can really do and what you are really like. This means they are critical for reducing the hiring manager’s perception of risk of hiring you.

  • Managing your career like you’d manage a product.
  • Reducing the perception of risk of hiring you.
  • Go-to-market – especially the “sales process” – which when you’re looking for a new product management job is *the interview.”

A few links

Storytelling masterclass and boot camp

  • Please take my storytelling online course – it’s free (for now) and on demand. it might be the most valuable 37 minutes you’ll spend this year.
  • Sign up for my April 17-18 2021 storytelling bootcamp where you can really get prepared, go deeper into storytelling, and polish a few of your own stories with my coaching. (it’s not free, but there is a discount if you sign up early!)

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And you can always buy my book, The Secret Product Manager Handbook, available in Kindle and paperback.
